Sunday, August 18, 2013

Empty Palms

It has been so long since I'm able to strike a balance to come to an agreement with myself. That the story of that cornfield finally seems relevant to me now. Somehow, it just felt like this is the one, this is it. I came to believe that this is indeed what I want. What all my faith long charged and saved for.

Destiny re-appears.

But the long and weary path, reveals the open wounded. It seems like I've leaned too much towards my weakness. It seems like this side has taken over. Faith as small as the mustard seed.

Oh Lord, I only have this much faith now. So, help my unbelieving. Because, this is finally what I've been waiting for. The signs that are approving, isn't this your will?

This will definitely work. Wonders and miracles will happen. Lord, grant me strength over my lacking. Humbly I plead that you let this battle, be one that will prevail. That my empty palms be filled.

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