Was pondering, how the hell did i turn the age of 27 already. Come to think of it, 27, it has been 27 years of experience whether in good or bad, happiness or pain, achievements and mistakes that I make. Flashing back I've had many people who came in to my life who are so amazingly wonderful and also the pain that I have cause them, and cause me.
I've tried so hard training myself musically over the years dreaming to bloom in this aspect that I've chosen. Many times I have discourage myself by the many better talented people than me. Eventhough so, I've keep taking time off to think over it myself and went over it, leaped over it. Like they always say, if you're tired, just rest for a while, then continue the journey, if you're sad, then just cry, then sleep and wake up to a new day. Everything goes on whether you like it or not, you still have to wake up early the next morning to continue your life. So again, what is the point of grieving. Not only I, but we feel discouragingly sad all the time, I once read a beautiful poem, and it is written so, "I finally opened the windows, and the blue skies greeted me, the sun rays warms my cheek."
If everybody stays closed, then everything is closed. If you open your eyes to see the newest possibility that could be, would be and should be, then it'll sure be there. Like I always say, just give it the benefit of the doubt, not every new situation will turn out to be like the last one. A new world is blessed with endless possibility depending on how you root and nurture it.
I've lived a life praying for wisdom, and then I realize that it is not wisdom afterall that will bring happiness but only peace in our heart can. The ability to have peace during storm and the ability to bring peace to another person. "To touch the person in a way that no others can", I'm very familiar with this quote, someone once very dear to me wrote this on a piece of paper to me. Let this be the goal, i would nail this dream in my heart to bring happiness to another person in whatever way I can. Bypass my weaknesses, discard it and keep the process as my guidance to tell anyone that requires this comforting advice.
Today I have failed, put all my heart in faith rather than words or action, and still I have failed. But would I let this discouragement and disappointment devour me? No, being a lonely soul myself, I would not give up so easily, because faith can move mountains and shake the earth, I believe in that. Also this is a good practice for me to be more patient. I am afterall, just a normal person who wish for a happy ending myself.
We only live life once. A life worthwhile is a life lived for not just others, but for yourself and myself also.
A quote I compose for everyone.
Life is about everything you are able to describe.
But what really matters is life in the heart of your beloved,
was, is, and will............................................
always just be Love, Love and Love, and Only Love.
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