Friday, February 27, 2009
Reflections from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
"We were meant to lose people. How else would we know how important they are to us?"..
At first I was interested in this movie when I first find out about it, then >( i was wet blanketed by my colleague saying that the movie is really bad.. then he physco me to go watch Valkyrie and I did. *Yawn*.. Normal lah! Valkyrie, the suspense and climax doesn't impress me much. 2 Days ago, I went to watch the CCBB (Curios Case of Benjamin Button). So long to type juz abbreviate it only lah. This movie really gave me a good impression. Was a lil moody after the movie, was pondering about life. I always had this concept that I should live and make choices in life based on thoughts like "would I look back and regret it when I'm old?". So I don't want to regret nor can I avoid feeling regret in future. Afterall, we're human and we make unavoidable mistakes even though we try our best. You can't see urself, u're not 24 hours in front of a mirror, sometimes u just do things and you hurt another person out of your knowing.
"Benjamin : I was thinking how nothing last, and what a shame that is."
U see, one day, sooner or later we'll become old and old is just not old, you see an old person around everyday, but have you ever thought of how they felt, aren't you even curious wanting to ponder how does ur mindset and thoughts goes when u're old. The greatest battle is learning to accept the end of your life. When everything you ever knew will just dissapear from ur sight, and after u left for the other world, impression and ur existence will slowly fade over time in the thoughts of people. Sad isn't it. Vibrations of memory and feeling has it's decaying time as well. We're all taking it for granted, we're living life everyday thinking as if we would live forever. It is the biggest lie in life. Then only when you become old, u feel regret and unsatisfied. Like "it could have been" or "if only". Very sad words to say. I mean..Why waste it, every moment of seconds itself, is an opportunity life gives you. You can choose to waste it, throw it away or embrace it. Some people would expect nothing out of life, but I would say to them that they deserve much more than what they are. To live a life of purpose is to live a complete and perfect life. Who wants to feel useless. Every individual is an important person itself, and if I'm God, I would care for every single person on earth like we both exists only. So keep encouraging yourself.
"Daisy : Some thing lasts."
Benjamin Button is a fictional character which born an old man and die as a baby. In another word, a person living against time. How would you feel to see everyone getting older and you're getting younger. It's a total change of experience to ponder about.
It's a long movie, 2 hours plus i guess.. sit until backside also pain. But worth it, i like the pace and mood of it. Reminds me of movie like Meet Joe Black. =)
QUOTES from the movie
“We’re all going the same way. We’re just taking different roads to get there, that’s all. You’re on your own road.”
“You got to do what you’re meant to do.”
“It’s not about how well you play. It’s how you feel about what you’re playing.”
“Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.”
“You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You can swear and curse the fates. But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.”
“For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be.”
“There’s something peaceful, even comforting, knowing the people you love are asleep in their beds where nothing can harm them.”
“It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what’s changed is you.”
“Life can only be understood looking backward. It must be lived forward.”
“You never know what’s coming for you.”
“It has no time limit. You can start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best of it or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. And if you find you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”
Friday, February 20, 2009
Vanilla Mood & VieTrio

Vanilla Mood is a group of japanese idol musician. Playing the instrument of their choice, Waka on flute, Yui on violin, Mariko on cello and Keiko on Piano.
I love their improvisation and the way the music is arranged. Very cool transition and variation. This MV is Haku, which means white and symbolized eternity. Composed by Keiko on how she feels about life. Emiri Miyamoto is also the replacement violin player for Waka(Flute) when she is not needed.
Another band which I would like to introduce is VieTrio from Thailand. I am very suprised to see that this band is from Thailand. This band of siblings fuses pop with classical music. Very cool concerts and MV. I think you can even see them on a scene in Bangkok Dangerous movie.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Moon & Sunrise by Boa
Having to skipped school and high school to come to japan at the age of 15. Leave all familiar faces behind. Learned the language and tight schedule without rest for her career in Japan. She's a korea successful experimental singer to be trained since young to penetrate the Japan's entertainment market. Boa wrote and compose this song in the midst of her loneliness working in Japan. A sad song to cry for.
The blue is is always a lonely mystery
It seems like it is hiding my sadness and loneliness
Every time I go pass it...
Yes, again someday, I will keep the memories deep in my heart
Even inside our laughing happiness
Now it is time for the last days to come
*The winds are blowing
In the streets are there so many people
So your voice is becoming more distant
The sky is high
It is far away, just like your heart
Only tears are by my side
I cant forget you
The white clouds are always fickle just like the time and myself
The joy and the warm air is bound to change sometime
In those days we watched movies which turned into a revival
We dont know how the little children long ago, changed
How many memories can a person have?
But i can say it now, I cant see you now
The truth was, that i was happy with you.
**The moonlit night past and now the sunshine is shining
That is how I am forgetting
Even if I am faking my smile, smiling is still a beautiful thing,
Only the tears show my truthful side
I hope we can laugh together when we meet again..
Boa Working Video in Japan
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The blue is is always a lonely mystery
It seems like it is hiding my sadness and loneliness
Every time I go pass it...
Yes, again someday, I will keep the memories deep in my heart
Even inside our laughing happiness
Now it is time for the last days to come
*The winds are blowing
In the streets are there so many people
So your voice is becoming more distant
The sky is high
It is far away, just like your heart
Only tears are by my side
I cant forget you
The white clouds are always fickle just like the time and myself
The joy and the warm air is bound to change sometime
In those days we watched movies which turned into a revival
We dont know how the little children long ago, changed
How many memories can a person have?
But i can say it now, I cant see you now
The truth was, that i was happy with you.
**The moonlit night past and now the sunshine is shining
That is how I am forgetting
Even if I am faking my smile, smiling is still a beautiful thing,
Only the tears show my truthful side
I hope we can laugh together when we meet again..
Boa Working Video in Japan
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Emiri Miyamoto
I'm in love with Emiri Miyamoto. She is not only gorgeous but also very talented in the area that I appreciate. Violin'ing! haha.. She's a very good Japanese Jazz Violinist. Melt melt.. even though I think Taro Hakase & Iwao Furusawa are better players but she's still.. so.. sigh.. just beautiful.. XD muacks! She's also the daughter of famous world renowed Oboe-ist, Fumiaki Miyamoto.
Emiri Miyamoto Official Website
Emiri Miyamoto Official Website
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is just around the corner. So let's talk about love a little. Even though I'm single now but what the hell, who want's to listen to my boring part of the story again right? So here goes.
As I'm visualizing myself into the relationship that I have assuming I'm in one now, and there goes, the person I love right in front of me. The first thing I would be saying when my feeling is idle now, not clouded by obsession and maybe honestly still a lil' bit of heartache, and also having realizing the fact of having and losing someone, I would be saying nothing to nothing, absolutely speechless. Enjoy the moment and sight for a while first, then ponder over it. Ponder, if this is a dream, and you wake up only to find out that u're in a sad and lonely world alone. Doesn't this gives u more clarity on what and where you're standing on now? It is quoted, "cherish it like you know you'll lose it". Happiness doesn't always come so easily, so learn to realize that while you're still in it, review over yourself to see if there are any reasonable spaces that can be improve.
Relationship would be classify in 3 types, the type that is just to get over with it and like it matters much and can't be bothered, the type that has not much choice already and I have to get one real soon, and the type that is the true love of your life. And do you agree with me most of it end up with the 1st 2 type or you're definitely disagreeing with me because you're in the 3rd type. Then I say to you, keep it up, since you're lucky enough, so don't take it for granted for when you let the good in, you'll also have to accept the bad and let it in. Nobody is perfect, sincerity and proving love takes time, give it the benefit of the doubt to wait and if it doesn't happen, ask yourself first that are you worthy of judging it or you won't regret the future. Always try to make up then break up, always try to fix what is broken and give chance to a repentance. It is always not too late, don't limit your mindset. Humans greatest weakness, shortsightedness, do not be a victim of this.
So I think to myself first before I contact the other person. First of all, what is love? How does all this have to begin with all the wonders of the world and ends with just a decision to give up everything you have ever dream for. Don't blame anybody if you love them, blame yourself, do not take the speck out of your brothers eye for there is a plank in your own eye. Blame yourself for not having the ability to judge, to choose and to realize.
Love is wonderful, and love is what drives us to survive and to protect. Love is what makes us perform very courageous acts and even meaningless sacrifice. Love gives, takes and even bites like a crocodile! haha! okay.. have fun ya'll. Happy Valentine's Day, there are bout 3 days in a year that is very important to me and one of it is this day. Don't kiamsiap k, guys buy that 99 roses or economy way fold 99x99 paper stars, cheesy, but it works. =D Don't need to think so much, just say what your heart feels. Wish you love and wish me luck!
As I'm visualizing myself into the relationship that I have assuming I'm in one now, and there goes, the person I love right in front of me. The first thing I would be saying when my feeling is idle now, not clouded by obsession and maybe honestly still a lil' bit of heartache, and also having realizing the fact of having and losing someone, I would be saying nothing to nothing, absolutely speechless. Enjoy the moment and sight for a while first, then ponder over it. Ponder, if this is a dream, and you wake up only to find out that u're in a sad and lonely world alone. Doesn't this gives u more clarity on what and where you're standing on now? It is quoted, "cherish it like you know you'll lose it". Happiness doesn't always come so easily, so learn to realize that while you're still in it, review over yourself to see if there are any reasonable spaces that can be improve.
Relationship would be classify in 3 types, the type that is just to get over with it and like it matters much and can't be bothered, the type that has not much choice already and I have to get one real soon, and the type that is the true love of your life. And do you agree with me most of it end up with the 1st 2 type or you're definitely disagreeing with me because you're in the 3rd type. Then I say to you, keep it up, since you're lucky enough, so don't take it for granted for when you let the good in, you'll also have to accept the bad and let it in. Nobody is perfect, sincerity and proving love takes time, give it the benefit of the doubt to wait and if it doesn't happen, ask yourself first that are you worthy of judging it or you won't regret the future. Always try to make up then break up, always try to fix what is broken and give chance to a repentance. It is always not too late, don't limit your mindset. Humans greatest weakness, shortsightedness, do not be a victim of this.
So I think to myself first before I contact the other person. First of all, what is love? How does all this have to begin with all the wonders of the world and ends with just a decision to give up everything you have ever dream for. Don't blame anybody if you love them, blame yourself, do not take the speck out of your brothers eye for there is a plank in your own eye. Blame yourself for not having the ability to judge, to choose and to realize.
Love is wonderful, and love is what drives us to survive and to protect. Love is what makes us perform very courageous acts and even meaningless sacrifice. Love gives, takes and even bites like a crocodile! haha! okay.. have fun ya'll. Happy Valentine's Day, there are bout 3 days in a year that is very important to me and one of it is this day. Don't kiamsiap k, guys buy that 99 roses or economy way fold 99x99 paper stars, cheesy, but it works. =D Don't need to think so much, just say what your heart feels. Wish you love and wish me luck!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Ending
Everything has to end.
Have you wonder, why everything has to end. Whether it is the end of a fun holiday where you get to meet all your families once a year, your bestfriend migrating to another place, your beloved pet dog which dies of old age, the end of your once in a life chance, the death of your beloved grandparents, the end of a wonderful relationship due to in-differences or mistakes that can't be forgiven, your own life has reached it's peak and u're breathing your last few seconds. Tell me, what is the difference the way you feel at each corner of your life and how I feel?
If you ask me why everything has to end, I would have to say that the culpirit is time. Your life is like blank square papers given at the time of your birth. Everytime the clock is ticking, your happenings are written and is thrown to to back while the paper burns off itself. Every moment is judged by time itself, whether it is a good or a bad moment, it still dissapears itself and become something that is known as memories. Good memories, bad memories, these are only the things that you can't turn back to undo. How sad is ones life in these hands of time, the cruel reality. Should we rather dwell in dreams, or just fight the battle to be as normal as possible like anyone else to ignore these delicate understandings of nature.
As it is written even in the Holy Bible and quoted by Gautama Buddha itself that life is afterall "short and miserable". When everything ends, do you feel sad? Have you felt that it could be better? Have your feelings reached the person? Have your dreams come true?
Our decisions and minds are the key of a time machine. It is important to know that it is not too late to change things. Change the presence and re-live the past as the future. It is possible to see familiar things again. Only with the agreement of mutual understanding and acceptance of the same ideas. It is never too late to bring out those old yellow lost love letters than u have kept rusty and dusty deep down inside your hearts.
Experience is the past, and that's where the root of who and what u are now, dwells. Reconsider your options, would you move along, or sacrifice for whatever that it is worth. Most important, is that you don't want to hurt something that once u know so precious to you.
Have you wonder, why everything has to end. Whether it is the end of a fun holiday where you get to meet all your families once a year, your bestfriend migrating to another place, your beloved pet dog which dies of old age, the end of your once in a life chance, the death of your beloved grandparents, the end of a wonderful relationship due to in-differences or mistakes that can't be forgiven, your own life has reached it's peak and u're breathing your last few seconds. Tell me, what is the difference the way you feel at each corner of your life and how I feel?
If you ask me why everything has to end, I would have to say that the culpirit is time. Your life is like blank square papers given at the time of your birth. Everytime the clock is ticking, your happenings are written and is thrown to to back while the paper burns off itself. Every moment is judged by time itself, whether it is a good or a bad moment, it still dissapears itself and become something that is known as memories. Good memories, bad memories, these are only the things that you can't turn back to undo. How sad is ones life in these hands of time, the cruel reality. Should we rather dwell in dreams, or just fight the battle to be as normal as possible like anyone else to ignore these delicate understandings of nature.
As it is written even in the Holy Bible and quoted by Gautama Buddha itself that life is afterall "short and miserable". When everything ends, do you feel sad? Have you felt that it could be better? Have your feelings reached the person? Have your dreams come true?
Our decisions and minds are the key of a time machine. It is important to know that it is not too late to change things. Change the presence and re-live the past as the future. It is possible to see familiar things again. Only with the agreement of mutual understanding and acceptance of the same ideas. It is never too late to bring out those old yellow lost love letters than u have kept rusty and dusty deep down inside your hearts.
Experience is the past, and that's where the root of who and what u are now, dwells. Reconsider your options, would you move along, or sacrifice for whatever that it is worth. Most important, is that you don't want to hurt something that once u know so precious to you.
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